How Does A Living Trust Apply in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, a living trust is a legal agreement in which the testator’s assets, including bank accounts, home, securities, etc., can be transferred and handled by an individual, including the testator, or corporation, such as a trust or bank. The person or company managing the trust is called a trustee. The trustee manages the trust according to the written directions outlined in a trust document.

The need for a revocable living trust is dependent on the testator’s family circumstances, financial status and objectives. In Pennsylvania, the advantage of establishing a living trust only to avoid probate is questionable because in Pennsylvania, the cost of probate is reasonable and less time-consuming than in several other states. Additionally, in Pennsylvania, a revocable living trust does not help reduce taxes. The Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax and Federal Estate Tax are identical, regardless of whether assets are managed through a revocable living trust or under a will. Moreover, estate planning methods created to lower taxes are accessible under wills to the same degree that they are accessible under revocable living trusts.

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